Community Partnerships in Nevada, Iowa

The NEDC contracts with the Ames Economic Development Commission to provide full time staffing for a full range of economic development services.

The NEDC has a history of working closely with our state agency to support project locations and expansion as well as market the many opportunities for businesses in Nevada.

One of two electric service provides in Nevada. Alliant has a history of supporting businesses within Nevada.

One of two electric service provides in Nevada. Consumers has a history of supporting businesses within Nevada.

Main Street Nevada is focused on the revitalization of the core business district for our community.

The NEDC’s city partnership allows us to work in lock step with city staff to facilitate a smooth process for businesses locating or expanding in Nevada.
Organized as an independent school district in 1867, Nevada Community School District is one of only 13 schools in the state to offer Registered Apprenticeships.
NCSD believes in individualized learning to engage in creative and critical thinking, remaining flexible and continuously adapting, as students’ learning needs change.
Story Medical Occupational Health collaborates with businesses of all sizes to manage acute injuries and illnesses, while improving the health and productivity of the workforce.